Angie Alexandra

Moray, Inverness, Aberdeen, Cairngorms, Highlands
Northern Scotland
Willing to travel
07940 735555
Every ceremony I create is unique, and every person, couple and family has individual needs. I find out what you'd like for your ceremony which I create in advance and email to you (or read to you over the phone if you prefer) so we can make any changes then your ceremony is exactly as you wish on the day.
I invite as much or as little input into a ceremony as you wish to have. I guide you when needed, giving ideas and suggestions when needed, and we make a plan as to how you'd like to prepare. We can use email, phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime, or good old fashioned meeting face to face! Whatever combination would be easiest for you.
If you're getting married, we'll spend time exploring and discussing what will be meaningful to both of you to include in your ceremony, which in addition to an exchange of vows could be readings, ritual, music, as well as something about what you love about each other, why you're taking the step of marriage, and maybe something about your story. I'll create the ceremony in advance and email it to you so we can then make any changes you would like, then you can relax and enjoy your ceremony on the day, knowing I'm not going to do or say anything you're not happy about.
I know a funeral ceremony can be very comforting when it's done well, and I've heard how distressing it can be when it's not or it doesn't reflect the person it's for. I intend that the funerals I hold are the right combination of celebration, thanksgiving and remembering, bringing together both the personal and the sacred.
Interfaith ceremonies are inclusive in their nature and wording and we welcome Humanist and Religious devotees alike, as well as those who consider themselves Spiritual, and everyone in-between.
I'm not personally affiliated to any church or religious or spiritual tradition or organisational doctrine so I can represent YOU!
I'm a minister in service of people from all faiths and no faith with a view to there being more peace in the world. The whole world is my parish but happily most of the work I'm asked to do is in beautiful Scotland!
I consider my own beliefs to be irrelevant when working with you and writing your ceremony, other than believing that every individual has their own inner path to love, wisdom and peace within, and I consider it's my job to define what that means to the individual, couple or family I'm working with in the context of a ceremony.
I find great wisdom and inspiration from many sources including from Humanist, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Sufi Muslim, Philosophical, New Age and Moral beliefs. If I believe in anything really strongly, it's that I believe in a brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity, and that with open hearts and minds, together with kindness and goodwill, it's possible for people who don't believe in a higher power of any kind, to come together with those who are devoutly religious or spiritual - I think it is possible for all those present to join together for ritual and ceremony, with love and acceptance - to celebrate the arrival of the child, the joining of the couple or the life of the loved one who has passed on. And it gives me great pleasure to be here offering to do just that!